Working experience and education

Maverick has written for 8 years since 2014 and focuses on IT and MDM topics. He mines news in the industry and likes to test and experience products.


Maverick is a sports lover interested in swimming, climbing, and running. He also loves camping and invites his friends to join often.
Read all articles from Maverick

Tutorial and Review for RemotePC Attended and Unattended Access

Are you confused about RemotePC? This article describes the tutorials and reviews of RemotePC Attended and Unattended Access to give you great help.

How to Turn off Factory Reset Protection on Android Devices

If you want to have maximum control and authority of your enterprise device this blog got you covered. Learn how to turn off factory reset protection in android.

How to use Allow Unknown Sources Policy in AirDroid Business for secure App installations?

Learn to set up the "Allow Unknown Sources" policy in AirDroid Business for secure and efficient app installations. This feature allows the installation of necessary third-party software while preventing potential security threats.

How to Manage App Permissions on Android Devices?

In this guide, we’ll tell you why app permission settings on Android matter, plus the steps to help you manage and change app permissions on your device.

What is Remote Management in MDM & Features

Use MDM to streamline remote management and device monitoring. Learn what features you can use and how to set it up in this guide.

QR Code Enrollment for Android & How to Use in MDM

QR code enrollment is a setup method for enterprise-owned Android devices and used in mobile device management solutions. This is a full guide about the MDM QR code.

What is Mobile Device Management Administrator & Job Description

Company's devices need to be managed to ensure compliance with company policies. And Mobile Device Management Administrators are here to do this. Learn more.

How Does Android Enterprise MDM Work? (Features)

Android Enterprise MDM is used to enroll, deploy, manage, and monitoring company devices. Learn how it works and essential features here.

How to utilize USB File Transfer and External Device Policy in AirDroid Business to set up Sync and Transfer Data Restrictions?

Learn how to set up and manage USB file transfer and USB external device policies in AirDroid Business. Enhance data security and efficiency by controlling file transfers and data synchronization via USB devices.

What is MDMApp? A Cornerstone of Mobile Device Management

Explore what is MDMApp and its seamless remote device management solutions, a must-have for businesses of all sizes navigating Android device challenges.