
How to Enable PowerShell Scripts on Windows 10

Today, we're going to guide you through the process of enabling PowerShell scripts on your Windows 10 system.
Step 1

Open PowerShell as Administrator

Start by clicking on the "Start" button, type "PowerShell" in the search bar, right-click on "Windows PowerShell," and select "Run as administrator."

Step 2

Check Current Execution Policy

In the PowerShell window, type `Get-ExecutionPolicy` and press Enter. This command will display the current execution policy.

Step 3

Change the Execution Policy

To enable PowerShell scripts, type `Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned` and press Enter. This policy allows scripts to run if they are signed by a trusted publisher..

Step 4

Confirm the Change

You will be prompted to confirm the change. Type `Y` and press Enter to proceed..

Step 5

Verify the New Execution Policy

To ensure the change was successful, type `Get-ExecutionPolicy` again and press Enter. It should now display "RemoteSigned.".

Step 6

Close PowerShell

Once you've verified the new execution policy, you can close the PowerShell window..

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